Focus Session 5: Timor Sea Energy Revolution: Offshore Developments and CCS Exploration
This session will delve into the dynamic energy landscape of the Timor Sea, focusing on key offshore developments and carbon capture and storage (CCS) initiatives. The spotlight will be on various projects that hold immense promise for the region's energy future, where invited industry leaders, policymakers, and experts will share their knowledge and experiences, shedding light on the future of energy in the Timor Sea and beyond. Key discussion points may include:
- Journey of the Bayu-Undan re-purposed field, situated off the coast of Timor-Leste, as a future CCS facility. Experts will discuss the technical aspects, challenges, and potential benefits of converting this field into a critical CCS hub.
- The Greater Sunrise development will be explored in depth, highlighting the numerous opportunities it presents, as well as the challenges faced in harnessing its full potential. This development has the potential to transform the energy landscape of the region significantly.
- Appraisal and development plans of Chuditch, providing valuable insights into the project's progress and its role in furthering the region's energy goals.
- Gain valuable knowledge on the Verus (Evans Shoal) development plans, which will play a crucial role in the energy mix of the Timor Sea area.
- Ongoing CCS 'exploration' in the Timor Sea. Experts will share insights into the exploration progress, potential storage sites, and the implications of successful CCS implementation in the region.
- Examination of the Abadi field development in Indonesia, emphasising its importance in the broader energy landscape and the strides being made in its development.