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Focus Session 2: AUV and Ship Technologies

Friday, 1 March
Room 405, Level 4
Focus Session

The offshore development is expanding from oil development to new energy fields including offshore renewable and marine based energy. Along with this, new technologies are appearing.

The key focus of this session is sharing the new era technologies of autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) and ship and discussing further usage of AUV and ship technologies accelerating new offshore developments by contributing unmanned operations, underwater and sub-bottom survey, maintenance, and logistics.

This session is organised by IEEE-Oceanic Engineering Society.


Martin Gutowski, Vice President, Sales & Marketing, APAC - Kongsberg Discovery
Eiichi Kikawa, Senior Executive Officer - IDEA Consultants, Inc.
Kangsoo Kim, Head of Next-Generation Unmanned Ocean Vehicle PT - National Maritime Research Institute, National Institute of Maritime, Port, and Aviation Technology of Japan (NMRI)
Takuya Shimura, Group Leader - JAMSTEC
Tomoki Inoue, Technical Manager - Knutsen NYK Carbon Carriers AS
Keisuke Watanabe, Professor - Tokai University
Nori Kyo, Principal Researcher - JAMSTEC
Tomoya Inoue, Senior Researcher - JAMSTEC