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Technical Session 07: Digital and Data - AI and Machine Learning I

Wednesday, 28 February
Room 403-404, Level 4
Technical Session
Siti Najmi Farhan Zulkipli - PETRONAS
Shahreyar Shahyarfar - TechnipFMC
  • 1100-1120 34917
    A deep-learning framework for the optimization of CO2 plume geothermal power production - a pathway to carbon net-zero
    K. Katterbauer, A. Al-Qasim, A. Al Shehri, A. Yousef, Saudi Aramco
  • 1120-1140 34892
    Multiscale Upscaling Study for CO2 Storage in Carbonate Rocks Using Machine Learning and Multiscale Imaging
    W. Yong, PETRONAS; H. Menke, J. Maes, Heriot-Watt U.; S. Geiger, Delft U. of Technology; Z. Abu Bakar, PETRONAS; H. Lewis, J. Buckman, Heriot-Watt U.; A. Bonnin, Paul Scherrer Institut; K. Singh, Heriot-Watt U.
  • 1140-1200 34776
    A Machine Learning Based Data Driven Approach To Obtain And Estimate Potential CO2 Storage Assessment Using Sub-Surface Data Through Relative Carbon Storage Index Parameter
    K. Tan, S. Roy, Halliburton; C. Consoli, Global CCS Institute; N. Sakimoto, JCOAL
  • 1200-1220 34759
    Improvement of Flow Coefficient Estimation with Limited Well Test Data for Real-time Condition Analytics of Choke Valve
    T. Visawameteekul, PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited; T. Kam, Singapore Management U.; P. Thamvechvitee, PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Ltd.