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Technical Session 07: Digital and Data - AI and Machine Learning I

Wednesday, 28 February
Room 403-404, Level 4
Technical Session
Shahreyar Shahyarfar - TechnipFMC
Siti Najmi Farhan Zulkipli - PETRONAS
  • 1100-1120 34917
    A Deep Learning Framework For The Optimisation Of O2-Plume Geothermal Power Production - A Pathway To Carbon Net Zero
    K. Katterbauer, A. Alshehri, A. Al-Qasim, A. Yousef, Saudi Aramco PE&D
  • 1120-1140 34892
    Multiscale Upscaling Study For CO2 Storage Carbonate Rock Using Machine Learning And Imaging Technique
    W. Yong, PETRONAS Research Sdn. Bhd.; H. Menke, J. Maes, Heriot-Watt U.; S. Geiger, Delft U. of Technology; Z. Abu Bakar, PETRONAS; H. Lewis, J. Buckman, Heriot-Watt U.; A. Bonnin, PSI; K. Singh, Heriot-Watt U.
  • 1140-1200 34776
    A Machine Learning Based Data Driven Approach To Obtain And Estimate Potential Co2 Storage Assessment Using Sub-surface Data Through Relative Carbon Storage Index Parameter
    K. Tan, S. Roy, Halliburton; C. Consoli, Global CCS Institute; N. Sakimoto, JCOAL
  • 1200-1220 34759
    Improvement Of Flow Coefficient Estimation With Limited Well Test Data For Real-time Condition Analytics Of Choke Valve
    T. Visawameteekul, PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Ltd.; T. Kam, Singapore Management U.; P. Thamvechvitee, PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Ltd.
  • Alternate 34845
    Large-scale Well Drilling Complication Analysis Using Automated Machine Learning Extraction, Large Language Models And Knowledge Graph On Well Reports In The North Sea
    Z. Abdul Hamid, N. Hernandez, F. Baillard, L. Looi, Iraya Energies
  • Alternate 34767
    Automatic Pore Pressure Prediction For Real Time Well Drilling Using Machine Learning Approach
    P. Liu, G. Yan, SLB; M. Chen, Y. Gao, CNOOC Ltd.
  • Alternate 34748
    Intelligent Prediction And Geomechanical Analysis Of Well Leakage In High Temperature And High Pressure Wells In The South China Sea
    Y. Zhao, J. Yang, K. Yang, D. Xu, H. Zhu, X. Zhang, China U. of Petroleum, Beijing